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Clay Printing was introduced to me by Mitch Lyons, my friend and inventor of the process.The flexibility and spontenaiety of this medium has become a favorite pastime for me. So enjoyable, it inspired me to share the fun with others through a new business started in my Santa Fe Studio.

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The collectors who commissioned an artwork for their home, were unsure what they wanted but were very open to my experimentation. At the time I wasn't sure what that would be, but envisioned a process to create the sculpture below.  

A new project from Quade Sculptures, Santa Fe, New Mexico

I created a 2 dimensional clay mono print through the printing process seen in the video above. I then had a high resolution scan of the print sent to the computer at Laran Bronze Foundry in Chester, PA. 

Once in the computer we could assign heights to the different color values, creating a 3 dimensional rendering.  A tool path was created and sent to a routing machine where the design was carved in high density urethane foam. I finished the work with sanding, sculpting and finally sealing and painting.

" I didn't know what I wanted but this is exactly what I wanted" - Barbara, PA.

Stoplight, a new project from Quade Sculptures, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Stoplight, a new project from Quade Sculptures, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Stoplight Installation


A new project from Quade Sculptures, Santa Fe, New Mexico

I visited the Los Alamos County Animal Shelter before making my proposal to The Board of Los Alamos Art in Public Places. The building itself was wonderful but wanted to visually understand the building's purpose. I immediatley envisioned dogs and cats scampering across the roof.

I created 8 Bas Relief sculptures for the roof and one sculpture below of a puppy barking at the runaways.

Clay bas relief sculpture

All the sculptures were first made in clay, and when complete, the silicone rubber mould was made. I created a wax copy of each sculpture before taking them to the foundry for casting.


One of the real challanges with 

this project was to design a

way for the sculptures to be

attached to the parapet of the



In New Mexico we have very

strong winds and snow,

so all of those tolerances had

to be determined.

Bas Relief Plan


bronze 96"x30"x2"

These sculptures were commissioned to become master bedroom doors and there were many issues to consider, weight, attachment mechanism and handles. Each panel was 300lbs and the attachments were well thought out. My fun was creating the handles. I was able to camaflouge the sculpted handles in the folds of fabric.

I loved the scale of this project and was challanged to create depth in approxiamtely 1 inch of clay. When I finished the upright sculpting and laid the panels down, I was amazed, it was flat!